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Observation Drawing - Easy
This fun little workout is designed to ease you into drawing. There is a fun exercise that jogs your creativity at the end, too.
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Memory Drawing - Easy
This fun little workout is designed to ease you into drawing from memory. There is a fun exercise that jogs your creativity at the end, too.
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Negative Space
Draw the space outside things to train your ability to see, to use as the basis for a drawing, and for fun.
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Shape Studies
In this workout, you will study the shapes you see in reference images.
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3D Models
Work from 3d models, from observation and memory, imagine what it looks like from another angle and verify, draw from different angles, deform from imagination.
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Organic Forms
This workout takes you from drawing basic forms to organic forms to doing a form study of a reference image.
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Beanie Manikins
This workout consists of a series of short drawing exercises that improve your hand dexterity, ability to draw circles and ellipses, cylinders, and human poses through a simplified manikin based on a beanie simplification of the human torso.
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Study anatomy from the French Artistic Anatomy plates by Paul Richer, published in 1890.
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Drawing From Memory
In this short, intense workout, you will copy a reference from observation and draw it from memory.
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