#94 - Drawing Is Not Writing And This Has Consequences For How You Should Hold Your Pen Or Pencil While Drawing

There are different ways you can hold pens and pencils!

When we learn to write, we learn to hold our pen near the tip as it gives us precise control.

#93 - A Website With All-Ages Appropriate Pose Reference For Artists To Use To Practice Drawing The Human Form

Another great online resource for artists.

Jookpubstock is a website with all-ages-appropriate pose reference images you can practice drawing from.

#92 - The Advantage You Have Over Rembrandt - What Woulld Rembrandt Have Done With All The Art Resources We Have At Our Disposal Today?

Advantage modern technology provide that we artists do not make enough use of.

When Rembrandt apprenticed, he learned to draw by copying illustrations his master had in his possession.

#91 - A Free Online Drawing Class As An Alternative To Live Model Drawing Classes

An alternative to live model drawing classes.

Doing model drawing classes regularly is crucial for any artist.

#90 - What We Can Learn From Studying The Illustrations By Heinrich Kley

Introducing a great course.

Marshall Vandruff had two online courses on what we can learn from the Heinrich Kley illustrations, and you can learn a lot from these courses and Heinrich Kley!

#89 - 3D Models You Can Use For For Reference For Practicing Drawing - Rotate Them, Draw Them From Observation Or Memory

Here are some example 3d models you can find on the Practice Drawing This website.

#88 - A Drawing Workout That Focuses On Negative Space To Make You Better At Drawing From Observation

Drawing negative space is about drawing what is outside objects, including the holes that let you see through them and into the background.

#87 - What Artists Can Learn From How Musicianc Practice Their Music Instruments

How to learn from people who practice other crafts.

Musicians practice through repetition, playing the same piece over and over until they own it and can play it the way they want.

#86 - A Free Workout That Helps You Practice Artistic Anatomy Through Public Domain Reference

Art academies often prepared plates for students to practice from back then. It’s a great idea; students don’t have to scramble for references.

#85 - Wax On, Wax Off For Artists - The One Drawing Exercise That Is My Swiss Army Knife For Practice Now

And here is what IS popular, even though it should not be.

My most popular posts on Pinterest are related to 3d form studies, and it is the most significant source of newsletter subscribers at the moment.

#84 - Artists Should Unlearn This Bad Habit - An Effective Way To Shut Down Your Inner Critic And Become A Better Artist

Be a happier artist and improve as an artist much more rapidly.

After drawing, don’t feel bad you made mistakes! They point you at something you can focus your attention on to improve.

#83 - Why A Teacher At Art Academy Taught Us This One Thing - Take A Step Back

One important way you can improve your art.

At my art academy, we had a teacher who had set himself a goal of teaching us one specific thing: to take a step back.

#82 - Why The Size Of Your Sketchbook Is Important For Both The Quality OF Your Art AND Your Creative Process

On the relative virtues of large and small sketchbooks.

When you go outside, it is a good idea to always have a sketchbook on you.

#81 - More Drawing Workouts - Sequences Of Drawing Exercises That Go Well Together

Two more drawing workouts.

In this article, I’d like to share two more drawing workouts! They are both fun and easy ones: drawing shapes from observation and memory.

#80 - Drawing Workouts - Sequences Of Drawing Exercises That Go Well Together

Here are one drawing workout.

I am creating “Drawing Workouts,”; a series of short drawing exercises that go well together in sequence.

#79 - They Say Becoming Better At Art Is A Marathon, Not A Sprint, But Not Even That Is True

A good way to look at your long-term art creation process.

Your art creation process should involve daily sessions of joy, relaxation, meditation, reflection.

#78 - Writing Can Be An Effective Activity To Help You Become A Better Visual Artist

Writing can help you become a better visual artist, too.

Sketchbooks are good tools you can use to work through issues and ideas.

#77 - The BEST Drawing Exercise I Know, Number 1 (Gustave Dore)

I want to try out a new series of articles that takes you through the drawing-from-memory exercise I love so much.

#76 - A Great Drawing Exercise That Jogs Your Creative Muscles

This is a fun drawing exercise you can do with children, too.

Our brains are wired to see patterns. Look at clouds, and chances are you will start to see dogs and rabbits and faces in them.

#75 - Making Art That Pleases You Will Lead To Making Art That Audiences Admire

Creating things just for the likes and follows on social media is ultimately unfulfilling, and you end up making things that work for the algorithm rather than things that are good.

#74 - Make Your Drawing Exercises Harder To Do, And Regular Drawing Will Become Much Easier - A Way To Improve Fast As An Artist

Ironically, this makes drawing easier.

Trying to become better at something, try a much more difficult version of it, and then return to the original process later to see what it did for you.

#73 - Practicing Drawing Cylinders Is A Good Way To Warm Up And It Is Surprisingly Useful

I am focusing on drawing in my sketchbook and not showing the results to anyone, but I get a dopamine hit from sharing work, and creating these posts can be fun when there isn’t the pressure to post daily. I felt like sharing a drawing exercise again, so here goes.

#72 - Did You Ruin A Page In Your Sketchbook? Here Is How To Use That Sketchbook To Become An Even Better Artist

What sketchbooks are REALLY for

You know the feeling. You’re afraid to draw in that beautiful sketchbook, worrying that you will ruin that page and the entire sketchbook as a consequence.

#71 - Artists, Consolidate What You Learned, Keep Practicing Until It Becomes Second Nature Is Better Than Looking For New Art Tutorials Online

Do this instead of looking for tutorials online and only superficially studying them.

What should you do otherwise instead? Look at the lessons you learned recently, open your sketchbook, and practice these.

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